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The Seattle Budokan - Heading to Japan April 7th - 23rd, 2019
Traveling to Japan

March 11th, 2018 Latest news from Nodashi (Honbu Dojo)!!
Soke changes the name of the Shidoshikai to the Buyukai - "The Bujinkan has grown and has to change" "We now have hundreds of Daishihan...

Training in Japan
An experience like no other!

Teaching - Predictable V.S. Un Predictable
Predictable teaching is a stylistic way of teaching that builds a relationship between teacher (sensei) and student (deshi) and one that...

Train in Japan this January!
If you have been entertaining the idea of traveling to Japan to train at the Hombu dojo, there is no time like the present! Matt sensei...

Junan Taiso - Tools to improve your flexibility
“Junan undo and kokyuho are the foundation of all taijutsu and thus it is important to practice them every day.” - Soke Many teachers of...

Masaaki Hatsumi: Dojo Giga | Heaven
I'm supporting this book project on Kickstarter. It will be a book of Masaaki Hatsmi's Dojo Giga painting collection. It looks fantastic....

Senban Shuriken practice
Watch Zane Sensei practice throwing shuriken.

The Art of Test Cutting
Tameshigiri (test cut) 試し斬り, 試し切り, 試斬, 試切 This unique style of tameshigiri or test cutting in English is a special way to test your...

Who is Toshitsugu Takamatsu?
Toshitsugu (Chosui) Takamatsu was born on 10 March 1889 (the 23rd year of Meiji) in Akashi, Hyōgo Prefecture.[4] Also known as Mōko no...
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